Authentication and authorization with Auth0 and Aserto

Jun 16th, 2022

Roie Schwaber-Cohen avatar

Roie Schwaber-Cohen

Authorization  |  


Adding authorization to your Auth0 app with Aserto

(Updated February 23 2023 to align with v2 middleware)

In this guide, we will use Aserto for application authorization with an example Auth0 web app. We’ll create a policy with Aserto and use the Aserto Node.js SDK to add authorization capabilities to the sample application.


Before you get started, you’ll need:

  • An Auth0 account. You can sign up for free here.
  • An Aserto account. You can sign up for free here.
  • Node.JS with NPM or Yarn installed on your machine.

Configure Auth0

Create a new application

Go to Auth0 Dashboard, and select the Applications > Applications item on the left sidebar.


Click “Create an Application”:

create app

Name your application "Aserto - Web app”, and select Regular Web Application, then click the “Create” button.

create app

Select "Node.js (Express)" from the list of technologies:


Click the “Explore Sample App” Button:

explore sample app

Click the “Save and Download App” button to download the sample application.

save and download

Extract the downloaded application, and open the .env file.

Retrieve your Client ID and Domain from the “Settings” tab:

web app creds

Copy the Client ID and Domain values and replace the corresponding placeholders in the .env file.

Create users

In Auth0, we’ll create a couple of users. One will have the role of an “admin” and will be able to view the “/profile” route. The other will have the role of a “user” and will not be able to view the “/profile” route.

To get started, head to the Auth0 management console and click the “User Management” menu item on the left sidebar.

user management sidebar

To create a new user, click the “Create User” button:

create user

Use the email "" and choose a password. Make sure you save this password - you’ll be using it later to log into the application.

create user form

Once the new user is created, scroll down to the Metadata section and add the following JSON to the “user_metadata” section:

    "roles": ["admin"]

user metadata

Repeat the process for a user with the email “”, but this time, use the following JSON:

	"roles" : ["user"]

Again, make sure you save Morty’s password - you’ll be using it later to log into the application.

Create an M2M application

In order for Aserto to communicate with Auth0, you’ll need an M2M application set up in Auth0. To create one, open your Auth0 console, and navigate to “Applications”.

application sidebar

Create a new Machine-to-Machine application by clicking the "Create Application" button.

create application

In the following screen, name the application “Aserto - Management” and select “Machine to Machine Applications”:


Next, select the Auth0 Management API, and enable the read:users permission.


From the settings tab, retrieve the Domain, Client ID, and Client Secret used by this application. We will use them shortly when we add Auth0 to Aserto.

m2m creds

Connect Auth0 to Aserto

To connect Auth0 to Aserto as an identity provider, head to the Aserto console and open the Connections tab.

connections tab

In the Connections tab, click the “Add a Connection” button. In the following screen, use the “auth0” provider. Name the connection “auth0” and use the display name “Auth0”. Then, paste the Domain, Client ID, and Client Secret you retrieved from the Auth0 M2M application settings into their corresponding fields.

add connection

Inspect the directory

Once you’ve added the connection, open the Directory tab.


You’ll see that both of the users you created in Auth0 have been synced to the Aserto directory.

Create an authorization policy

Start by heading to the Images tab:


On the left side menu, click on the “Aserto Public Policy Images” tab.

policy images sidebar

From the repositories list, click the “policy-auth0-demo”:

images list

Click on the ellipses on the hand side in the following view:


Then, click on “Create a new instance”

new instance

Finally, name your policy repository “auth0-demo” and click the “Create policy” button.

create policy

Once you create the policy instance, you’ll see the following:

policy instance

Update the application

Next, you'll update the Auth0 sample to use Aserto's authentication middleware.

Download .env file

Click the “Download .env file” button:

download env

Copy the contents of the downloaded file to the .env file in the sample Auth0 application. The final file should look as follows:

CLIENT_ID=<Auth0 Application Client ID>
CLIENT_SECRET=<Auth0 Application Client ID>
ISSUER_BASE_URL=https://<Auth0 Tenant>
SECRET='a long, randomly-generated string stored in env'
ASERTO_POLICY_ID=<Retrieved from the Aserto .env file>
ASERTO_POLICY_NAME=<Retrieved from the Aserto .env file>
ASERTO_POLICY_INSTANCE_LABEL=<Retrieved from the Aserto .env file>
ASERTO_TENANT_ID=<Retrieved from the Aserto .env file>
ASERTO_AUTHORIZER_API_KEY=<Retrieved from the Aserto .env file>

Add dependencies

Navigate to the Auth0 sample project directory in your terminal, and execute the following command:

yarn add @aserto/aserto-node

Or with NPM:

npm install @aserto/aserto-node

Open src/routes/index.js and add the following dependency:

const { jwtAuthz } = require("@aserto/aserto-node");

Ensure the .env file values are accessible from src/routes/index.js by adding the following line:


Instantiate middleware

In the same file, create the configuration object for the Aserto Middleware:

const authzOptions = {
 authorizerServiceUrl: process.env.AUTHORIZER_SERVICE_URL,
 instanceName: process.env.ASERTO_POLICY_INSTANCE_NAME,
 instanceLabel: process.env.ASERTO_POLICY_INSTANCE_LABEL,
 policyRoot: process.env.ASERTO_POLICY_ROOT,
 authorizerApiKey: process.env.ASERTO_AUTHORIZER_API_KEY,
 tenantId: process.env.ASERTO_TENANT_ID,
 failWithError: true,

Then, instantiate the middleware:

const checkAuthz = jwtAuthz(authzOptions);

Add middleware to the /profile route

Finally, add the middleware to the /profile route:

router.get("/profile", requiresAuth(), checkAuthz, function (req, res, next) {
 res.render("profile", {
   userProfile: JSON.stringify(req.oidc.user, null, 2),
   title: "Profile page",

Test the application

Log in as Morty using the credentials you chose before, and try to navigate to /profile. Since Morty is not an “admin”, you’ll see the following error:


Next, log out and log in as Rick. Since Rick is an admin, you’ll be able to see his profile page with no error:

no error

The policy module

Let’s take a look at the policy module that governs the authorization decisions for the GET /profile path.

policy module

As we can see, the allowed clause accesses the user object, which maps to the user object found in the Aserto directory. Instead of requiring us to pass the role information associated with the user piggy-backing the JWT, we rely on the information found in the directory which is synchronized periodically with Auth0. This means that we are no longer constrained by the JWT, which means that we can define as many roles as we’d like and that we’re not risking the use of stale information when the JWT is invalidated.

In this case, the rule states the user will be allowed to access to GET /profile endpoint only if the user has the role of admin.

Audit decisions

Every decision made by an authorizer can be recorded for future auditing. To enable auditing for this policy, head back to the Aserto Console and open the auth0-demo policy instance you created before. Open the Decision Logs tab:

decision logs sidebar

Then, enable the recording of decision logs:

enable decision logs

Repeat the test steps mentioned above, and review your decision log.

decision logs


In this guide, we walked through the process of adding authorization to the sample Auth0 sample application. We demonstrated how Aserto uses applications permissions vs scopes in JWTs, which in turn allows for much finer-grained permissions to be used. You can read about more elaborate authorization scenarios in our previous posts "From RBAC to ABAC" and "Creating a Rego policy for a Todo application".

Roie Schwaber-Cohen avatar

Roie Schwaber-Cohen

Developer Advocate